Friday, June 14, 2013

Think of a Healthy Lifestyle Change You Can Make

Healthy Laguna! is all about getting people to make lifestyle changes, however big or small, that promote health. Instead of 3 hours of TV, try 2 1/2 and use the other half hour to take a short walk. Put 1/3 less ice cream in the bowl for that late-night snack. Call a friend you haven't spoken to in a while. Or to take a bigger step, sign up for yoga or an exercise class at the Community Center, sometimes walk instead of ride, volunteer at a non-profit agency, spend time in nature--there is so much of it around Laguna in our hills and beaches. In other words, take action. Change your pattern. Do something in a new and healthier way. It pays off.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Doing something healthy like exercising doesn't work nearly as well when you resolve to do it three times a week as it does when you decide to do it seven days a week. When you resolve on three days a week, TODAY is never the optimal day. And very often that turns out to be the case tomorrow too, when that turns into TODAY.

It's unfortunate but there it is.